Mumbai – In the disgusting case of attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, the police have detained a carpenter on suspicion and interrogated him for hours. An officer said on Friday that he was working in Saif’s flat two days before the incident, however, police said today’s detention has nothing to do with Saif’s assault case.

Waris Ali Salmani has been arrested and taken to Bandra Police Station for questioning in connection with the attack on Saif Ali Khan during a robbery attempt in a Bandra flat.

The attacker was captured on CCTV while descending the stairs on the sixth floor of the building. Carpenter Salmani had worked in the actor’s flat two days before the incident of attack on the actor. The attack was reported by a contractor who had hired him for carpentry work. The officer said Salmani was taken to an undisclosed location after being interrogated for hours.

Another officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the man brought to Bandra police station for questioning had nothing to do with the attack on Khan. No one has been arrested yet. More than 30 teams have been formed to trace the attacker. The age of the accused is 35 to 40 years.

Even hours after the incident, the accused was not caught by the police.

Attack not for ransom but in attempt to steal

No underworld gang behind attack on Saif: Government

Saif never received any threat nor did he ask for any security

No underworld gang is involved in the attack on Saif Ali Khan. The possibility of ransom being demanded is also negligible. Maharashtra Minister of State for Home Yogesh Kadam has claimed that this is just a case of attempted robbery.

Five people working at home, including Saif Ali Khan, wife Kareena Kapoor, two sons, four-year-old Jeh and eight-year-old Taimur, who lived on the 12th floor of Satguru Sharan Building in Bandra, were present in the flat. At the same time the accused attacked.

In his statement to the police, Eliama Philip, who was monitoring Jeh, claimed that the attacker had taken money. A demand of one crore was made.

However, Maharashtra Minister of State for Home Yogesh Kadam said that a suspect has been arrested in connection with the attack. He is not involved in any gang. This attack was not carried out by any gang. He also rejected the ransom theory.

Earlier, Mumbai’s Joint Police Commissioner had also rejected the possibility that the attack was carried out for extortion.

Kadam said that till now the police has not received any complaint from Saif Ali Khan. He did not even ask for security. The minister said, if they need security then security will be provided. Kadam said that the motive behind the attack on the actor was only theft.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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