Mumbai Police is investigating the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. After Nani, now Kareena Kapoor has given her statement. Kareena told Bandra Police that Saif fought the attacker alone. He sent all the women of the house to the 12th floor of the building. If he had not intervened anything could have happened.


Kareena’s statement

Kareena told the police that Saif had sent the children and women to the 12th floor when the attack happened. Saif tried to save women and children. The attacker could not reach Jahangir (Saif-Kareena’s younger son) when Saif intervened. Kareena also said that the attacker did not steal anything from the house, but he was very aggressive. She attacked Saif several times, after the attack I got scared so Karishma took me to her home.

grandmother’s statement

Earlier, the nanny of Saif-Kareena’s children Taimur-Jehni had said what happened on the day of the attack? The nanny told that she has been working at their house for the last 4 years. Nani said- On January 15, at 2 am, I woke up hearing a strange sound, the bathroom light was on. When I went to see, a person came out, he was going to Jeh. Seeing this, I quickly got up and went to the child and he pointed with his finger and said that no sound was coming. When I tried to stop the attacker, he attacked me. He demanded Rs 1 crore. Hearing the noise, Saif and Kareena ran but the accused attacked Saif too. Saif suffered injuries at many places in this incident.

The age of the accused is said to be 35 to 40 years, his face is also visible in the CCTV footage. After the attack he ran down the stairs.

What is the whole matter?

Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an unknown assailant late on Wednesday 15 January. Mumbai Police said that an unknown person entered the actor’s house and started arguing with the maid present there. Saif Ali Khan came between the two and tried to convince the man. But the angry person attacked Saif Ali Khan. There was a fight between the two. Meanwhile, he attacked Saif six times with a sharp object.

After the attack he ran down the stairs


The children’s grandmother was also injured in the attack. After the attacker escaped, Saif himself took Taimur to the hospital in an auto. He asked the guard to bring a stretcher and said that I am Saif Ali Khan. Saif is currently admitted in the special room of Lilavati Hospital. He has undergone surgery. Doctors removed a 2.5-inch knife from near his spinal cord.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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