Famous TV actor Aman Jaiswal passes away: A shocking news has come out from the TV industry. Actor Aman Jaiswal, who worked in the show ‘Dhartiputra Nandini’, has passed away. Aman was only 23 years old. Writer of the show Dhartiputra Nandini Dheeraj Mishra has confirmed this news. Mishra told that when Aman was riding a bike, he collided with a truck, due to which he died.
was going to audition
Talking more about this, Dheeraj Mishra said, ‘Aman was going to give an audition. Posting on social media, he wrote, You will remain alive in our memories, God can be as cruel as your death has made us feel today. goodbye.’
died in hospital
According to the information, Aman was taken to the hospital after the accident. But, the actor died within half an hour.
Aman’s famous shows
Aman was a resident of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. He played the lead role in ‘Dhartiputra Nandini’. In the other show Punyashlok Ahilyabai, Yashwant Rao played the role of Phanse. This show was telecast from the year 2021 to 2023. She started her career as a model and was also a part of Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s show ‘Udariya’.