Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his house. Even after 45 hours, Mumbai Police has not been able to catch Saif Ali Khan’s attacker. 35 police teams have been deployed to nab him. The investigation is still going round and round as to where the attacker went? Meanwhile, a team of Mumbai Police reached Kareena Kapoor’s house and recorded her statement regarding the attack. During this, senior police officers were also present. Let us know the complete story of the most mysterious 70 minutes of Saif’s life.
The most concrete information that the police have so far about the attacker is that the attacker had changed his clothes after the attack.
The most concrete information that the police have so far about the attacker is that the attacker had changed his clothes after the attack. This information has come to light after scanning the CCTV footage of the area. He had changed his clothes to escape from the police. According to information received from Mumbai Police, the suspect who carried out the attack was seen between Bandra Police Station and Railway Station in Mumbai.
35 teams of Mumbai Police have been deployed to catch Saif’s attacker.
Mumbai Police has deployed more than 35 teams to nab the accused. According to information received from Mumbai Police, the suspect who carried out the attack was seen between Bandra Police Station and Railway Station in Mumbai. Till 8 am in the morning the suspect was roaming in Bandra area, but the police could not arrest him.
Till now three photographs of the accused have been revealed
Till now three photographs of the accused have been revealed. The first picture is of Saif entering the house. The second picture shows accused Saif leaving his house and the third and latest picture comes with a new look, taken on January 16 at 1.37 pm when the attacker entered the apartment and attacked him with a knife. After this, at 2.47 pm, blood soaked Saif Ali Khan was taken to the hospital in an auto rickshaw.
Wife Kareena Kapoor did not go to the hospital with Saif Ali Khan!
Kareena Kapoor did not accompany Saif Ali Khan to the hospital in the auto as she was standing outside his apartment. The question is, what happened to Saif in 70 minutes? The first part of this is from 1:37 pm to 2 pm, so what happened in the first 23 minutes?
A CCTV footage was also released as the Mumbai Police team investigates the attack. In this video, a man is seen climbing the stairs of the building with a red towel wrapped around his face. He also had a black bag on his back. His hands were empty, he was not even wearing slippers. The question is whether the person is not wearing slippers to avoid making noise?