Liver related diseases are increasing rapidly in children, the main reason for which is unhealthy eating habits. Liver plays an important role in filtering the toxins present in the blood and digestion of food. Therefore, timely identification and treatment of any liver problem is essential, so that the growth and overall health of children is not affected. Following are some common symptoms of liver diseases in children:

Complaint of persistent stomach ache: If the child complains of persistent stomach pain, it may be a sign of liver problems. In case of liver diseases, children may have problems like difficulty in digesting food, flatulence, and gas.

Stool color becoming yellow: Liver infection or inflammation may cause the stool in children to become dark yellow in color, which is caused by increased bilirubin levels. If the color of the child’s stool appears unusually yellow, consult a doctor.

loss of appetite: If there is infection or inflammation in the liver, the appetite of children decreases, which can affect their growth. If the child is reluctant to eat and his appetite is decreasing rapidly, then it can be a matter of concern.

Jaundice: In jaundice, children’s skin, whites of the eyes, and nails turn yellow. This occurs due to increased bilirubin levels in the liver. If symptoms of jaundice appear in the child, contact the doctor immediately.

Stomach swelling: In liver diseases, abdominal swelling may be due to enlarged liver or spleen. Fluid accumulation can also cause swelling in the abdomen, which is a sign of decreased liver function.

Itchy skin and hurts easily: Liver problems can cause children’s skin to become itchy and they may bruise easily or take time to stop bleeding.

If your child shows any of the above symptoms, do not ignore them and consult a doctor immediately. With timely detection and treatment, liver diseases can be controlled and children’s health can be protected.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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