The royal bath has started on the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti during Mahakumbh in Prayagraj. Naga Sadhus and Sadhvis from 13 Akharas also participated in this event. The mysterious life of Naga Sadhvis and their journey of arduous meditation once again became a topic of discussion among millions of devotees. But do you know how difficult and wonderful the process of becoming a female Naga Sadhu is?

The difficult journey of becoming a female Naga Sadhu

To become a female Naga Sadhu, not only do they have to undergo rigorous penance, but they also have to observe celibacy for 10 to 15 years. The most shocking thing is that before becoming a Naga Sadhu, a woman has to offer her Pind Daan while she is alive. This process symbolizes their abandonment of their old life and dedication to God. After this they are shaved and bathed in the river, thereby attaining spiritual rebirth.

life of naga sadhvi

Female Naga Sadhus also worship Lord Shiva like male Naga Sadhus. Their life is bound by strict practices and rules of celibacy. Their diet consists only of roots, fruits, herbs and leaves. They are not Digambaras, but wear saffron clothes, which are not stitched.

What does a Sadhvi do during menstruation?

During Mahakumbh, female sadhvis do not bathe in the Ganga during menstruation. Instead, they bathe in Ganga water and sprinkle it on themselves, which is considered as sacred as bathing. To become a Naga Sadhvi, it is mandatory not only to practice hard but also to win the trust of one’s guru. His sadhana includes chanting of Shiva in Brahma Muhurta in the morning and worshiping Lord Dattatreya in the evening. They remain completely isolated from society, and it is only in events like Kumbh that the world gets a glimpse of their mysterious life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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