In the year 2021, there were reports of rift between Kartik Aryan and filmmaker Karan Johar. Both were supposed to work together in the film “Dostana 2”, but due to mutual differences the film could never be made. However, now after years, the distance between the two has ended and their bond has become strong again. Now both are going to work together, and during this, Karthik talked about his and Karan’s relationship. He said that their relationship is a kind of “love and hate bond”.

How is your relationship with Karan?

Actually, Karthik was shown a photo in which Karan was pulling Karthik’s ears. Laughing at this, Kartik said in the screen live interview, “What should I say on this? Karan and I have a love and hate relationship. This photo is very nice and reflects our relationship. This moment is from when we both signed our first film, which was never completed. I think Karan knew that I had already taken the photo.”

Talking about the film with Karan

Talking about the film, Kartik said, “This is the first film for both of us and hopefully the film will be completed. I will do it completely and Karan will also be completely involved in this film.”

Let us remind you that in the year 2021, there was some discord between the two on the sets of “Dostana 2”. Later news came that Karthik has been removed from the film. After this, Dharma Productions released a statement on social media stating that the film has been shelved and shooting will begin with a new cast.

Movie “Tu Hai Main Tera”

Karthik’s upcoming film “Tu Hai Main Tera” is a romantic comedy. However, there is no update yet about who will play the lead role with Karthik in this film. While announcing the film, Karthik had written, “Tumhara re aa raha hai Rumi. This mamma boy always keeps the oath he has taken to his mother.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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