Saif Ali Khan is undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai after the knife attack. According to doctors, his condition is improving and he may be discharged from the hospital in the next two to three days. Police have detained a suspect in connection with the attack. Maharashtra Minister of State for Home Yogesh Kadam denied the involvement of underworld gang behind this incident and called it merely an attempt at robbery.
Saif (54) was attacked by an assailant with a sharp weapon at his Bandra home on Wednesday night, leaving him injured at six places including his neck. He underwent surgery at the hospital, and neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange said that his treatment was successful. He also said that Saif has now been brought out of the ICU and shifted to a special room, and his condition is improving. Doctors have advised him to take rest.
Saif’s wife Kareena Kapoor and his two sons were present in the house at the time of the attack. Jeh’s care assistant Eliama Philip told the police that the attacker had demanded Rs 1 crore. Police said that the attacker had not entered Saif’s house forcefully, rather he had probably entered the house with the intention of looting.
Minister Yogesh Kadam said that the police have detained the suspect, and he is being identified. Opposition parties have expressed concern over this incident, saying that film celebrities are not safe in the state. BJP minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule said the state government and police have taken prompt action, and Mumbai is the safest city in the country.