Numerology is a secret science. In this book, numbers are considered the basic unit of the universe. Here we are talking about people born on a specific date, the specific number 3, who are considered to be born leaders and who are at the forefront of new initiatives. People born on which 3 dates of Radix Number 1 have such qualities and traits?
Lord planet and date
According to numerology, people born on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month have the root number 1. The ruling planet of this root is the Sun, the king of the planets. According to numerology experts, people born on these 3 special dates of this radix number are greatly influenced by their ruling planet. Sun represents a person’s confidence, leadership abilities, energy etc.
New beginnings are at the forefront
In numerology, number 1 is considered a symbol of new beginnings. This number also symbolizes leadership and independence. Therefore, these qualities are more clearly visible in people born on 1, 10, 19 and 28. It has been seen that they have confidence in their abilities and are always motivated to move forward. These people are always active and eager to do something new and be at the forefront.
unmatched in leadership
People born on the 3rd of Radix 1 are unique in leadership. They have an amazing ability to inspire and guide others. The influence of Sun, the ruling planet of this radix number, fills them with confidence and energy. These people are naturally able to guide people and are adept at taking decisions.
live life gracefully
The biggest specialty of people with number 1 is their royal attitude, which attracts everyone. The reason for this is also the influence of Sun, the ruling planet of this radix, which is considered a symbol of a king. His royal nature is clearly reflected in his behaviour, thinking and approach towards life.