The entire film industry is under tension due to the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Everyone is praying that Saif Ali Khan recovers as soon as possible. At present Saif Ali Khan has been taken to a special room, he is likely to be discharged after a few days. However, the good thing is that after the surgery he took a walk for some time today. Amidst all this, the reaction of Shahid Kapoor’s ex-boyfriend has come.
Shahid’s reaction on Saif Ali Khan
The trailer of Shahid Kapoor’s film Deva was launched on Friday. During the trailer launch, he reacted to the attack on Saif. Meanwhile, Shahid Kapoor was asked what he would do with criminals who attack actors. In response to this question, Shahid said that what you are saying is a very sad incident. We are all worried. You asked indirectly but it would have been more respectful if you asked directly. We hope that Saif’s health will get better soon. We hope he recovers and feels well. We were deeply shocked by this incident.
Shahid Kapoor said that this incident had happened at a very private place. This is very difficult in a city like Mumbai. The police are trying. This does not happen in Mumbai. Mumbai is a safe city. We can proudly say that it is safe for any woman to go out at 2-3 am. I hope Saif Ali Khan recovers soon. I am praying for his health.