The police have not yet been able to catch the accused of the fatal attack on actor Saif Ali Khan. However, the attacker who entered the actor’s house has been identified. The thief was seen descending the stairs in the CCTV footage. Mumbai Police is working diligently to solve this high profile case. 20 teams have been formed to nab the accused. Every team has got a different task. Let us know what other new updates have come out regarding this case.
20 teams were formed to arrest the accused
The police are also using their network of informers to catch the attacker. The investigation team is also taking help from technical support. Every technique is being used to catch the attacker. Efforts are also being made to find out whether the accused has any previous criminal record.
Police are examining the CCTV footage of the building
According to the news agency, the police are examining the CCTV footage of the building, in which the thief is seen running away with a wooden stick and a long hexa blade after attacking Saif. This footage is of 2.33 minutes in the morning. The face of the accused is clearly visible in this. The accused was seen wearing a brown collar T-shirt and a red stole while descending the stairs on the sixth floor of the building.
Saif Ali Khan lives on the 12th floor of that building
Saif Ali Khan lives on the 12th floor of that building. On the basis of CCTV footage and other evidence, the police have started searching for the attacker. Investigating officials believe that the attacker had changed his clothes before fleeing from Saif’s house. According to a police officer, a 56-year-old staff nurse was also present at Saif’s house. His name is Eliama Philip. He is also a prosecutor. In this incident he was injured by a blade. Police have recorded the statements of nurse Philip, home staff, building guard and others.
Kareena’s first reaction
After the attack on Saif, Kareena wrote a long post on social media last night asking fans and media to be patient. The actress demanded privacy. He wrote- This has been a very challenging day for our family. We’re still trying to process things. Wonder how it all happened. In these difficult times I would like to request the media and paparazzi not to spread any rumours. Also do not do any coverage.