Mumbai: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli may soon host a housewarming ceremony at their new bungalow in Alibaug. A video has gone viral. In which Anushka and Virat’s new bungalow in Alibaug is visible. Which is decorated with flowers before entering the house. Seeing this, people are understanding that Anushka and Virat Kohli are preparing to enter the house.
Earlier, a video of the Gateway of India Ferry Terminal was seen in which a priest was seen carrying puja materials on a speed boat. Seeing this, people are speculating that the couple is preparing to shift to their new house in Ali Bagh.
Virat Kohli had bought a luxurious villa in Alibaug in 2023. Which is spread over 2000 feet and whose value is estimated to be around Rs 6 crore. This villa has a 400 feet swimming pool. Apart from this, the couple has bought a farmhouse in Alibaug for Rs 19.24 crore.