Mumbai – The Bombay High Court has issued an interim order asking Rupali Ganguly’s elder daughter Isha Verma and John Deere platform not to publish any defamatory material or statement against Rupali.
Rupali’s Orman removed the interview given by her daughter Isha and her post, terming them prima facie defamatory. Arif Doctor gave the above order.
The posts and interviews etc. are not only defamatory but malicious as the article dated 29 November 2024 quoted Isha as saying that she had targeted Rupali. Despite the notice, Isha did not appear in the court. “Therefore, we have no hesitation in granting interim relief in the application,” the January 15 order said.
Hence from now on Isha, her agents, employees, representatives, followers or anyone acting on her behalf will not be allowed to post any material or defamatory material against Rupali through any medium. Cannot be broadcast directly or indirectly through social media, digital, print media or other public platforms. Dr Jones platform has also been barred from carrying out defamatory publicity against Rupali.
It is noteworthy that Rupali is Ashwin Verma’s third wife and Isha is his daughter from his second marriage. The second marriage lasted for 11 years. In various interviews, Isha has described Rupali as controlling, possessive and psychotic towards her husband.
Rupali argued through a lawyer that her talent is being tested doubly hard every day. Her lawyer argued that Isha’s behavior is having a serious impact on Rupali’s career.