Making a happy married life is becoming challenging day by day. Often a partner’s high expectations make it difficult for the other partner to maintain the marriage. However, if some time is given to the partner after marriage, it can become the key to a happy relationship. If your partner is angry simply because you don’t give him/her enough time, adopting the “2-2-2” rule can be an excellent solution. This rule can remove monotony and increase happiness for new or old married couples.

Follow the 2-2-2 rule for a happy married life:

  1. Go on a date every 2 weeks:

    Make some time for your partner and organize a dinner or lunch date every two weeks. Movie date is also a good option. Spending some time together will help in clearing mutual misunderstandings.

  2. Enjoy weekends in two months:

    Plan a weekend trip around the city every two months. During this time, spend two days with each other without any tension. This will give you enough time for each other and misunderstandings will end before they develop.

  3. Spend a whole week together every 2 years:

    Every two years, set aside a week for each other, away from your family, business and career worries. During this time you will pay attention to each other’s likes and dislikes. This will make it easier to maintain a happy married life and mutual love will also increase.

By adopting these simple rules you can make your married life happy and satisfying.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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