Anyone can need money in an emergency. times like these personal loan Could be a great option. now you only PAN card With the help of this, you can also get a loan up to Rs 5,000. This process not only saves time but is also extremely easy and fast. Come, let us know in detail about loan on PAN card.
What is PAN Card Loan?
PAN cardis an important document like Aadhar Card and Voter ID. PAN card is often required for personal loans.
- now many digital lending apps, NBFC And banks are providing loan facility on the basis of PAN card.
- In this process your identity and credit score The loan is approved on the basis of.
- You can easily get a loan up to Rs 5,000 using only PAN card.
How to apply for PAN card loan?
The process of taking loan through PAN card is very simple. Follow these steps:
- Select Lender:
- First of all make a list of those banks or NBFCs which Minimal formalities Provide personal loan with.
- Also check that their interest rate, processing fee And whether the loan repayment period is suitable for you or not.
- Apply on website or branch:
- of selected lender official website Visit or visit their branch and apply.
- Fill the Application Form:
- While applying, provide necessary information such as loan amount, your credit scoreand give information related to income.
- Upload PAN Card:
- To verify your identity PAN card Upload the scanned copy of.
- In some cases, you Aadhar card Or income proof You may also have to pay.
- Verification of information:
- If the information given in the application is found correct, the loan is approved immediately.
things to keep in mind
- Interest Rate:
The interest rate on such loans is usually high because it unsecured loan Is.
- No guarantee is required for this loan.
- Loan Period:
It is mandatory to repay the loan within the stipulated time. Additional charges may apply for delays.
- Fees and Charges:
- Before applying, be sure to get information about processing fees and other charges.
Benefits of PAN card loan
- Fast Approval:
The application and approval process for PAN card loan is very fast.
- Documentation less:
You can get loan only with the help of PAN card and credit score.
- no guarantee:
This loan does not require any guarantee or pledge of property.
- Suitable for small loans:
It is ideal for those who need small amounts (up to ₹5,000).