It is the dream of many celebs to join the reality show Bigg Boss hosted by Salman Khan. This show brings popularity, but some celebs refuse to go to this controversial show. One such well-known actress has flatly refused to participate in this show.

Statement of ‘Hiramandi’ actress:

We are talking about Jayati Bhatia, who played the role of “Mataji” in Sasural Simar Ka. Recently, in an interview to Telemasala, Jayati said about going to Bigg Boss, “No, I will never go to Bigg Boss. I don’t like that idea. However, I have no problem with the people who go there. They go for one reason or the other. Sometimes I feel that even if I go, those who come back have to face the glare of the world.”

Jayati believes that she is the wrong contestant for Bigg Boss:

Jayati further said, “If you are out of the industry and have been seen, then definitely go to Bigg Boss, but I am a completely wrong contestant for Bigg Boss. I am completely honest. Either I will laugh loudly or cry or become others’ favourite. Then I would say that he was saying this and he was saying that. All this will not look good to me on-screen.”

Jayati Bhatia has worked in many TV shows, films, and web series and is known for her outspokenness and frankness.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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