Congress MP Jairam Ramesh has criticized Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat’s remarks in which Bhagwat had said that India got “true independence” only after the construction of Ram Temple. Jairam Ramesh termed Bhagwat’s statement as an insult to Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi and the Constitution and demanded an apology from him. Speaking to news agency ANI, he said, “Mohan Bhagwat keeps giving absurd statements on many subjects. His statement is an insult to the Constitution made by Mahatma Gandhi and Baba Saheb Ambedkar and is against the country. Mohan Bhagwat should apologize for this.”

On Monday, Mohan Bhagwat had said in a program in Indore that India saw true independence on the day of the consecration ceremony of Ram temple. He said, “What is our 5000 year old tradition? The tradition which started from Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva. India got independence in 1947, but it could not be established.” Bhagwat also said that the date of Ramlala’s death in Ayodhya should be celebrated as ‘Pratishtha Dwadashi’ because the true independence of the country was established on that day.

Congress MP Digvijay Singh also condemned Bhagwat’s remarks on “freedom” and said Bhagwat should apologize as he has hurt the sentiments of the countrymen. Speaking to the media, Singh said, “I condemn this statement. “Bhagwat has insulted Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and other freedom fighters who dedicated their lives to the freedom struggle.”

Former Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh and senior Congress leader Bhupesh Baghel also termed Bhagwat’s statement as an insult to the freedom movement. He told reporters, “It is clear from his statement that he does not respect the Constitution and is insulting the freedom struggle. This also shows that people from BJP and RSS are trying to change the Constitution.” Baghel also said that Rahul Gandhi’s “Indian State” statement has been misrepresented by BJP people.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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