‘IITian Baba’ Abhay Singh, who came into limelight during Mahakumbh, has openly told about his life. Hailing from Sasrauli village in Jhajjar district of Haryana, Abhay studied Aerospace Engineering and Visual Communication from IIT Bombay. While talking to Headlines India, he said that he is neither a saint nor a sage, but he has no objection to being called a Bairagi.

Abhay told that he had worked in Canada for a few years and his salary there was around Rs 3 lakh per month. He said, “It seems more in India, but the cost was also the same. At least two-two and a half lakh rupees would have been spent there.”

Sharing his experience, he said that after working in Canada, he realized that earning money does not bring happiness. “I saw that many business owners are millionaires, but are not happy. That’s when I thought I should follow my passion,” he said.

Abhay further said that he tried his hand in many fields like travel photography, film making and marketing, but ultimately decided to adopt the life of a monk. He has not been in touch with his family for about one and a half years and when asked about this, he said, “Now only Mahadev.”

His story epitomizes how a successful professional moved towards a saintly life and made his mark.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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