Saif Ali Khan has been making it to the headlines since morning as the actor was attacked by a burglar at his house in Bandra and was stabbed. He was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital and Saif’s team as well as Kareena’s team have given a statement about the same. Many family members like Sara Ali Khan, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Karisma Kapoor visited the hospital to meet Saif.

Well, a female fan has reached outside the hospital with a placard in her hand which has the poster of Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji starrer Hum Tum. The placard reads, “Ban violent movies, make love stories. Get well soon Saif Ali Khan sir.”

In the video, the fan says, “When love stories were made, Mumbai used to be happy, India used to be happy. We are very sorry. You (Saif) and the whole Bollywood have given so much contribution. Since childhood, Bollywood has been like my family, and today, what Bollywood is going through, I personally feel like someone is attacking my family. I am representing all the common man that no one wants to watch violent films.”

“I feel that after watching violant films, common man will start roaming with a knife. The way Saif sir has been attacked today, tomorrow someone can attack me as well. So, I feel that these violent movies are not the demand of common man neither they are enjoying it,” she added.

Well, the female fan is getting a mixed response from netizens. While some are trolling her, some are stating that she is right.

Saif Ali Khan’s surgery is done, and the statement from his team read that he is out of danger. In fact, the doctors have also stated that the actor will be discharged in two to three days.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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