Saif Ali Khan Attack Update: A person who entered the house of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan late at night with the intention of stealing attacked Saif Ali with a sharp object. This was done 6 times on Saif Ali Khan. After this, Saif Ali Khan was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in an injured condition.
Saif Ali Khan’s surgery was going on in Lilavati Hospital since morning. After the surgery, doctors gave information about Saif Ali Khan’s health. Doctors say that Saif Ali Khan is now out of danger and his condition is stable.
From the family to Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is also worried about the incident of deadly attack on the house. The police was also doing a thorough investigation in this matter. In the morning the police arrested 3 suspects in this case. After this, a big update has come out regarding the attack on Saif Ali Khan.
Police also confirmed the incident and said that Saif Ali Khan is undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital and after that the help of CCTV is being taken to investigate the accused. A special team was also formed to investigate the incident.
The biggest statement of the police has come out after the attack on Saif Ali Khan. Police say that the main accused of the attack has been identified. A team of 10 is investigating the matter. The police have also said that the accused had entered the house through the fire escape route.
The doctors of Lilavati Hospital have shared an update regarding Saif Ali Khan’s health. Lilavati Hospital has issued an official statement saying that Saif Ali Khan’s surgery is over and he has been shifted to ICU. Saif Ali Khan has suffered two deep wounds. Doctors also removed a 2.5-inch piece of knife from his spinal cord. At present Saif Ali Khan is out of danger.