Saif Ali Khan Health Update: There has been a fatal attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Late last night, a stranger entered Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Bandra house. Where he attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife. Saif Ali Khan was seriously injured after the attack and was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. However, doctors have said that Saif Ali Khan’s condition is stable. The doctors treating Saif Ali Khan have issued a statement telling what has happened to Saif Ali Khan and how is his condition now?
According to a media report, Dr. Neeraj Uthmani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, has given a statement regarding the condition of Saif Ali Khan. The doctor told that Saif Ali Khan was brought to the hospital at 3.30 in the morning. Saif Ali Khan was stabbed 6 times and two of these knives were very deep. Saif Ali Khan has suffered an injury near the spinal cord. A team of neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Leena Jain operated on Saif Ali Khan.
It came to light on Thursday morning that some unknown person had entered Saif Ali Khan’s house in Bandra late on Wednesday night with the intention of theft. This person had attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife. After this Saif Ali Khan was admitted to the hospital.
After this incident, Saif Ali Khan’s team has also given an official statement. Saif Ali Khan’s team has said that Saif Ali Khan is undergoing treatment and the rest of the family members are safe. The police is investigating the matter Saif Ali Khan has been injured during a robbery attempt in his house.