Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Bandra residence by a burglar during a robbery attempt in the wee hours on Thursday (January 16). He sustained injuries after being attacked multiple times by a sharp object. Several shocking details of the incident have come to light and in the latest development, it is being said that Saif was rushed to the hospital in an auto rickshaw as his driver was unavailable at that moment.
Saif, along with his family, actress-wife Karena Kapoor Khan and two sons Taimur and Jeh, lives on the 12th floor of Satguru Sharan building in Bandra West.
According to several media reports, soon after Saif was stabbed, Kareena informed his eldest son, Ibrahim Ali Khan. The 23-year-old, son of Saif and his first wife, Amrita Singh, rushed to his father’s house and took him to the hospital. With no one available to drive Saif, Ibrahim had to first find an autorickshaw to rush him to Lilavati.
Reportedly, police have stated that Ibrahim reached hospital with Saif around 3.30 am.
On Thursday afternoon, Kareena, Ibrahim, Sara Ali Khan, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu, and Ranbir Kapoor visited Saif at the hospital.
Saif Ali Khan’s health update
Saif underwent multiple surgeries, with the hospital’s COO, Niraj Uttamani, confirming that the actor sustained six wounds, including two deep injuries. He has been moved to the ICU post surgery, and the doctors said that he suffered a serious injury to his spine.
Dr Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital briefed the media after Saif’s successful surgery and stated, “He has suffered major injury in the spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine. Surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair the leaking spinal fluid.”
He further informed, “Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one on the neck was repaired by plastic surgery.”
The doctor stated that Saif has been shifted to the ICU and his health will be constantly monitored. “He is recovering well and is out of danger,” he said.
Saif is expected to be discharged from the hospital in the next two days. Meanwhile, a massive manhunt has been launched by the Mumbai Police to nab the attacker, who has been identified. Reportedly, 10 teams have been formed to investigate the case, and the cops are are also questioning the couple’s staff members.