Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently admitted in the hospital. He has been attacked with a sharp weapon. Currently, Saif Ali Khan has undergone neuro surgery. A two to three inch long sharp object has been removed from his body. It is said to be part of a knife. Now Saif Ali Khan is undergoing cosmetic surgery. Then amidst all this there is also a question that where was Kareena Kapoor at the time of the attack?
Where was Kareena Kapoor?
Saif Ali Khan was at home with his sons Taimur Ali Khan and Jahangir when the attack took place. Meanwhile, a thief entered the house. However it seems his wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan was there along with her sister Karisma Kapoor and friends Rhea Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor. This can be said because Kareena Kapoor has shared a story on social media.
Kareena reshared a photo on her Instagram story at around 2 pm. Let us tell you that Saif Ali Khan was attacked at 2:30 in the night. According to a media report, Kareena reached Lilavati Hospital at 4:30 in the morning. It has also been said in many reports that Kareena was at home when the attack took place. At present, from the story posted on social media, it is being estimated that Kareena Kapoor has gone out of the house. But it is also possible that he may have posted this photo quite late and he may also be at home.. these are all speculations.
Mumbai Crime Branch investigated
The attack took place in the Satguru Sharan building, where Saif lives with his family members. Media reports also said that the robber had earlier had a fight with Saif’s maid. When the actor intervened to defuse the situation, the intruder became aggressive, resulting in a scuffle. Saif’s PR team confirmed the attack, saying it was an attempted robbery. It is written in his official message that there has been an attempt at theft at Saif Ali Khan’s house. At present his surgery is going on in the hospital. We ask the media and fans to be patient. This is a police matter.” At present, officers of the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police have reached the spot and are investigating the incident.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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