Delhi Police has recently made a big revelation and cracked down on the gang making fake passports. Two agents have been arrested from Uttar Pradesh in this case. They are accused of planning to send a Bangladeshi woman abroad with the help of fake documents.

How was the fake passport exposed?

Immigration officials deployed at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport stopped a suspicious woman. Investigation revealed that the passport held by him was fake. The authorities immediately decided to investigate the matter in depth. After interrogating the woman, it became clear that the passport was prepared by a gang based in Uttar Pradesh.

arrest operation

Based on the information given by the woman, the police took immediate action and conducted raids in Uttar Pradesh. During this period, two agents were arrested who were involved in this fraud. Several fake documents, passport making equipment and other suspicious material were recovered from them.

Gang network and modus operandi

Police investigation has revealed that this gang was expert in sending Bangladeshi citizens abroad by making fake Indian identity cards. They used to prepare fake Aadhaar cards, PAN cards and other government documents, which were used to get passports made.

role of bangladeshi woman

The arrested woman told that she was promised work abroad. For this the agents charged a huge amount from him. The woman did not know that her documents were fake.

Police statement and further action

According to police officials, this gang may have links with the international human trafficking network. At present, the interrogation of the arrested agents is going on. Police are trying to find out who else are involved in this network.

Strictness on use of fake documents

This incident shows to what extent the practice of fake documents has increased. The government and security agencies are constantly trying to control it. Citizens should also remain alert and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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