Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan: A shocking news has come out about Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife late at night. Saif Ali Khan has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital for treatment in injured condition.
According to the information received in this regard, thieves entered Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s house in Bandra last night. Meanwhile, a thief attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife. The actor has been injured by the attack. It is learned that Saif Ali Khan’s condition is now stable. Kareena Kapoor Khan, Taimur and Jeh were sleeping in their room at the time of the incident. Other people in the house are also reported to be safe. However, no statement has been issued by the family in this regard.
A case has been registered with the police and investigation has been started. Saif Ali Khan is currently undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital. The police statement said that around 2 am in the night, an unknown person entered Saif and Kareena’s house and attacked the actor with a knife.
According to the police statement, late at night a man entered Saif Ali Khan’s house and started fighting with his maid. When the actor went to catch that person, he attacked Saif Ali Khan himself. The maid immediately woke up the family members. By then the person ran away from home. Police investigation is ongoing in this matter.