The stock market has started on a positive note on Thursday. After the celebration of Uttarayan festival, the stock market has got a direct wind. Both Sensex and Nifty opened on the green mark. At 9.30 am, the Sensex opened 427.92 points higher at 77,152. While Nifty opened 132 points higher at 23345 points. Importantly, the news of ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has had a positive impact on market sentiment.
global signal
- Talking about global markets, strength was seen in Asia-Pacific markets on Thursday.
- In US markets, an unexpected decline in core inflation in December and strong results from major banks boosted global investor confidence.
- South Korea’s central bank kept its key interest rate at 3 percent, contrary to market expectations.
- A Reuters poll had expected a cut of 25 basis points, but the decision sent the Kospi index up 1.18 percent.
Positive trend was also seen in Japanese markets. Nikkei rose 0.7 percent and Topix index rose 0.24 percent. The country’s producer price index rose 3.8 percent year-on-year in December, in line with market estimates.
Australia’s ASX 200 index rose 1.38 percent. The country is awaiting the release of unemployment data for December, which a Reuters poll had estimated would rise to 4 percent from 3.9 percent in November. US markets performed well overnight. The Dow Jones was up 1.65 percent, the S&P 500 was up 1.83 percent and the Nasdaq was up 2.45 percent. This demonstration was the most vigorous since November 6.