The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEF) issued a show cause notice to the Maharashtra Forest Department on January 11 seeking representation to pause the felling of 78 trees outside Mumbai’s Parel Railway Station. The MOEF has also asked the state forest department to send an action report at the earliest. This comes after NGO Watchdog Foundation wrote to the ministry highlighting that BMC’s Tree Authority’s absence of a transparent public consultation process denying citizens their rights to participate in decisions affecting their environment and health.

The BMC Tree Authority had issued a public notice dated December 4, 2024 to cut 78 trees outside Parel Railway Station on December 20, leaving inadequate time for citizens to lodge their objections. The trees are proposed to fell to facilitate the Central Railway construction of 5th and 6th lines between CSMT and Kurla stations.

The NGO in its complaint letter to MOEF also stated that out of 78 trees mature trees, only two are proposed to be transplanted reflecting authorities’ inadequate efforts to minimize ecological damage. “While infrastructure development is important, it should not come at the cost of the environment and Mumbai is already struggling with depleting green cover. Mature trees play a crucial role in combating air pollution, mitigating urban heat, and supporting biodiversity, all of which are critical in a city like Mumbai,” Godfrey Pimenta, trustee of Watchdog Foundation told FPJ on Wednesday, adding that alternative solutions like realigning the project or transplanting trees must be explored.

In another attempt to save these trees from being axed, green activists have started an online petition demanding the BMC and Central Railway to pause the felling of the trees until a transparent public consultation process is conducted. The petition started on and was signed by more than 500 people.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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