Former Olympian turned politician Vinesh Phogat on Wednesday returned to the wrestling mat for first time since her Paris Olympic heartbreak. The 30-year-old shared her training video in her Instagram handle. Vinesh was disqualified during the Paris Olympics due to being overweight after which she decided to retire from the sport after her appeal was turned down by the Court of Arbitration and Sports (CAS).

Last year during the Paris Olympics, Vinesh was on the verge of making history by becoming the first Indian woman to qualify for an Olympic wrestling final. However, just before her bout, Vinesh failed to keep her weight in check, missing the cut by 100 grams during the weigh-in ahead of the final. Being overweight cost her and India a gold medal in the 50kg category event.

According to UWW Olympics weigh-in rules, wrestlers before the weigh-in on Day 1 are supposed to appear at a medical examination with their licence and accreditation, while wearing their singlet.

Vinesh Phogat enters politics

After the Olympics heartbreak Vinesh joined the Congress party and won in Julana constituency as MLA in the Haryana Assembly elections. The 29-year-old says that the decision to join politics was tough but that was her option. “You have to enter the system. Brij Bhushan is surviving because he is powerful politically. So we have to be powerful also.”

However Vinesh’s uncle had voiced his disappointment over his niece decision to enter politics. He expressed his wish for Vinesh to focus on her wrestling career, particularly aiming for a gold medal in the 2028 Olympics.

He had said, “She did very well in the Paris Olympics but was disqualified in the final. It is my personal opinion that she should participate in the 2028 Olympics. Winning a gold medal is my dream for her. She didn’t achieve it this time, and although she received immense love from the people of India, who had high expectations, her disqualification was a disappointment.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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