Meta Sorting: Meta, the company that owns social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, may soon have to face layoffs. In fact, Meta is planning to fire 5% of its worst performing employees this year to replace them. This information has been given to the employees through an internal memo.

Poor performers will be retrenched as per the company’s new norms.

As of September, Meta employed approximately 72,000 people. In such a situation, a 5% cut may affect about 3600 jobs. In an internal memo sent to employees, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that with the decision to increase the performance scale, their work will now be judged on the basis of performance. In such a situation, the company will retrench the poor performers as per the new norms.

5% of low performing employees will lose their jobs

According to media reports, due to Meta’s decision, 5% of the company’s poorly performing employees may lose their jobs. Based on the company memorandum, the company is currently retaining employees who are not meeting its expectations during the year. Therefore, the poor performers will be removed based on the company’s performance through in-depth analysis.


There have been major layoffs before too

There are continuous layoffs in the world’s big tech companies from the year 2022. This is not the first time Meta has announced layoffs. Let us tell you that Zuckerberg had declared the year 2023 as the company’s ‘Efficiency Year’ and then Meta had announced the layoff of 10,000 employees. Meta has cut about 21 thousand jobs from the year 2022.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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