Amul has once again showcased its knack for clever commentary on current events with an eye-catching doodle addressing the recent controversy stirred by L&T Chairman SN Subrahmanyan over. In a quirky nod to the ongoing debate over the 90-hour work week, the popular dairy brand released a doodle featuring the caption, “Amul stares at bread daily”.
As the brand mainly reminds people of milk or butter, Amul suggested that these products enjoy staring bread every day to make a great breakfast.
Check out Amul’s post below
Taking a dig at the L&T chairman’s ‘How long will you stare at your wife’ remark, Amul’s doodle cleverly highlighted the letters “L” and “T” in bold, playfully referencing the company while questioning the idea of excessive labour. “Labour & Toil?”, it read.
Amul’s creative approach to commenting on the situation won over a hundred likes. It not only tweaked the ‘stare’ remark in its ‘breadicious’ style, but also used the popular Amul figure in it. In the doodle, the Amul girl was seen standing next to a representation of Subrahmanyan while he pointed his fingers on Sundays listed on a calendar.
All you need to know about ‘Stare at your wife’ remark
It was during an in-house meeting that Subrahmanyan expressed he wished to make his employees work on Sundays too. While this in itself sounded unacceptable and a threat to work-life balance, what triggered people more was his ‘misogynistic’ remark about spending time with wife.
“If I can make you work on Sundays, I will be more happy. What do you do sitting at home? How long can you stare at your wife? How long can she stare at you?”, he was heard saying on a video call.