Indian cricket’s star batsman Rohit Sharma practiced with the Mumbai team on Tuesday, January 14. After him, from today i.e. 15th January, young batsman Yashasvi Jaiswal will also be seen practicing with the Mumbai team at the Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC). Jaiswal, who was the leading run-scorer for India in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, may look to continue his influence in domestic cricket in the Ranji Trophy.
Yashasvi Jaiswal’s possible participation in Ranji Trophy
- Border-Gavaskar Trophy (BGT) performance:
Yashasvi Jaiswal scored a total of 391 runs in BGT, which included one century and two half-centuries. - Mumbai’s next match:
Mumbai’s next match in Ranji Trophy will be against Jammu and Kashmir at home from January 23.- There is a possibility of Yashasvi playing in this match, but it has not been officially confirmed yet.
- Workload Management:
Despite getting a break from the T20 series against England, BCCI’s decision to play the domestic tournament raises some questions.
rohit sharma status
- Practice in Nets:
Rohit Sharma practiced with red-ball for about two hours on Tuesday. - Unsure of playing in Ranji:
- Rohit’s participation in Ranji matches has not been confirmed yet.
- He will inform the Mumbai team management in the next day or two whether he will play in domestic cricket or not.
- Upcoming Tournaments:
- Rohit has to play in the ODI series against England and later in the ICC Champions Trophy.
- It is difficult to decide whether he will be able to smoothly switch from playing red ball to white ball cricket or not.
- However, with little time left before the England series, he may play at least one Ranji match.
Mumbai team selection and preparations for Ranji Trophy
- Mumbai team will be selected on January 20.
- It will be clear on the same day whether Yashasvi Jaiswal and Rohit Sharma will play in the match starting from January 23 or not.
Ranji Trophy and the role of domestic cricket
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has directed Indian players to participate in domestic cricket. This is an effort to keep the players in form and maintain their commitment to red-ball cricket.
- Importance of success:
His recent performance makes him a strong player for the Mumbai team. - Rohit’s challenge:
It will be important for him to strike a balance between domestic cricket and the upcoming international series.