Ameesha Patel: Ameesha Patel, who has worked in blockbuster hit films like Ghadar, Humraaz, Bhool Bhulaiyaa and Ghadar 2, made her Bollywood debut in 2000 with actor-director Rakesh Roshan’s film Kahona Pyaar Hai. Hrithik Roshan also debuted with Ameesha Patel in Kahona Pyaar Hai. This first film of both proved to be a huge hit at the box office.
Recently Ameesha Patel has made a shocking revelation regarding this film. Ameesha Patel told that earlier Kareena Kapoor was going to debut with this film. This is well known but Ameesha Patel said that Rakesh Roshan had removed Kareena Kapoor from the film. After this, Kareena Kapoor debuted with Abhishek Bachchan in the film Refugee released in the same year. Till now it was discussed that Kareena Kapoor left Kahona Pyaar Hai on the insistence of her mother Babita.
Ameesha Patel said in her latest interview that Kareena Kapoor did not leave the film Kahona Pyaar Hai herself, she was removed from the film. Ameesha Patel also revealed that director Rakesh Roshan had told her why Kareena Kapoor was removed. In short, Ameesha Patel says that Kareena Kapoor had removed Rakesh Roshan from the film.
Ameesha Patel said in an interview that Rakesh Roshan had said at that time that there was a rift between him and Kareena Kapoor, so he decided to remove Kareena from the film. However, Rakesh Roshan’s wife and Hrithik’s mother were concerned with the decision as the set of the film was ready and a new actress had to be found for the role of Sonia within 3 days of Kareena being fired. At that time, crores of rupees were spent on the sets of the film and this film was Hrithik’s first film.
Ameesha Patel further told that after that Pinky Aunty i.e. Hrithik Roshan’s mother called her because Rakesh Varson had seen her at a wedding. Seeing Ameesha Patel for the first time, she told Rakesh Roshan that he found Sonia… Kahona Pyaar Hai was a hit at the box office. The film won 92 different awards that year. For this reason, his name was also recorded in Limca Book of World Records and Guinness Book.