A shocking case has come to light in Delhi, where a 12th class student created panic by sending fake emails containing bomb threats to more than 400 schools. Cyber Cell of Delhi Police has arrested this student and made many big revelations during the investigation.
Many suspicious aspects have come to light in the case, in which the name of NGO, political party, and terrorist Afzal Guru has been used. Come, let us know the whole story of this incident and important aspects related to the police investigation.
How did the matter come to light?
Bomb threat email creates stir
A few days ago, many reputed schools in Delhi and other states started receiving bomb threat emails one after the other. These emails claimed that bombs had been planted in schools, which spread fear and tension between the school administration and the parents of the children.
Schools informed the police
As soon as the schools received these emails, they immediately informed the local police and cyber cell. The police started preliminary investigation and found that all these emails were fake. However, there was a need to know who sent them and why.
Delhi Police investigation and arrest
Identification of the accused with the help of cyber cell
The police cyber team started tracing these emails. Investigation found that all the emails were sent from the same IP address. After this the police traced the location of that IP address and reached the address of the accused.
arrest and interrogation
Police arrested the accused 12th class student from his house. During interrogation, it was revealed that he had done all this just as a “joke”, but the motive behind it further surprised the police.
Shocking revelations in the investigation
Names of NGOs and political parties dragged
The accused student had also used the names of some NGOs and a political party in his emails, which suggested that there could be some big conspiracy behind the threat. However, in the investigation so far, no direct connection between these organizations has been found.
name of afzal guru
Police investigation also revealed that the student had also included the name of terrorist Afzal Guru in the emails. This made the matter more serious because it involves the issue of national security.
More serious crime than ‘joke’
During interrogation, the student said that he had done all this as a “joke”, but the police believe that this act could have created chaos on a large scale. Moreover, it unnecessarily harassed the law and order and security agencies.
How did the student send the email?
Use of fake email account
The accused created fake email accounts and used them to send threatening emails to schools. He ensured that his real name and identity remained hidden.
use vpn
The investigation also revealed that the student had used a VPN to hide his IP address. However, the police cyber team identified it.
misuse of technology
This case once again shows how youth can misuse technology. Police and experts have emphasized that it is extremely important to make children aware about cyber security and responsible use of technology.
What action will be taken against the accused?
legal clauses
Police on the accused student Section 66F of IT Act (Cyber Terrorism) And a case has been registered under other relevant sections.
This section is very serious and if found guilty under it, the punishment can be up to life imprisonment.
Case registered in Juvenile Justice Board
Since the accused is a minor, the case will be presented to the Juvenile Justice Board. However, considering the seriousness of the crime, the Board may decide to treat the accused as an adult and prosecute him.
Lessons for society and parents
Many questions arise from this incident. After all, how can a 12th class student go to this extent? Does this reflect the lack of technological awareness in our society?
role of parents
This incident shows that parents should pay attention to children’s online activities. It is important to teach children how to use the Internet correctly and responsibly.
cyber awareness in schools
Schools should also make their students aware about cyber crime and its ill effects.
Need to teach proper use of technology
Technology makes our lives easier, but its misuse can become a threat to the entire society. It is important that children are taught to use technology properly.