Regarding heart attack, it is often understood that its symptoms are similar in men and women. But this is not completely true. Heart attack symptoms in women can often be different and more subtle, making them easier to miss.

This negligence can prove fatal. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the symptoms of heart attack in women and become alert in time. Let us know which signs can indicate heart attack in women.

Heart attack symptoms in women: Why are they different from men?

Body structure and hormonal effects

Women’s physical structure and their hormonal levels make heart attack symptoms different. Hormones like estrogen provide some protection to the heart, but their levels decrease after menopause, which increases the risk of heart diseases in women.

abnormal symptoms

Heart attack symptoms in women may often present as some other common or unusual symptoms instead of the traditional “severe chest pain.” This is the reason why it becomes difficult to identify them.

Main symptoms of heart attack in women

1. Abnormal fatigue

  • The most common but often ignored symptom of heart attack in women is extreme fatigue,
  • This fatigue can be felt even without normal physical exertion and does not go away even after rest.
  • If you feel extremely tired for no apparent reason, don’t take it lightly.

2. Difficulty in breathing

  • Women often feel difficulty in breathing during heart attack.
  • This symptom may occur while climbing stairs, doing light exercise or even while resting.

3. Pain in neck, back, and jaw

  • In men, heart attack pain focuses mainly on the chest, while in women, it neck, back, shoulders, and jaw Can spread up to.
  • This pain increases gradually and sometimes it is confused with muscle strain or gas pain.

4. Burning or heaviness in the chest

  • Women may feel burning, pressure, or heaviness in the chest during a heart attack.
  • It is often ignored as a gastric problem, but if it persists for a long time, then be alert.

5. Nausea or vomiting

  • Many times during heart attack, women nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain There may be a problem.
  • These symptoms often seem similar to food poisoning or gastric problems, but they can be a heart attack.

6. Cold sweat

  • If you are experiencing cold sweat without any reason, it could be a sign of a heart attack.
  • Do not take this as a normal reaction of the body.

Risk factors for heart attack in women

1. High blood pressure and cholesterol

  • high blood pressure And high cholesterol This level is at the greatest risk of heart attack.
  • It is important to get them checked from time to time.

2. Diabetes

  • The risk of heart attack may double in women suffering from diabetes.
  • This disease can damage the arteries of the heart.

3. Stress and depression

  • Stress and depression are a major cause of heart diseases in women.
  • This increases pressure on the heart and increases the risk of heart attack.

4. Smoking and alcohol consumption

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption promote heart diseases. Women should avoid these habits.

5. Physical inactivity

  • Not exercising regularly increases the risk of heart disease.

What to do to avoid heart attack?

1. Eat a healthy diet

  • Include fiber-rich foods, fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
  • Avoid excessive fried foods and fast food.

2. Exercise regularly

  • Exercising for at least 30 minutes daily is important to keep the heart healthy.
  • Yoga and meditation can also help reduce stress.

3. Keep getting health checkups done

  • Get your blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar checked regularly.
  • Contact a doctor if any unusual symptoms occur.

4. Reduce stress

  • Take regular breaks to reduce stress and focus on mental health.

5. Stay away from smoking and alcohol

  • These habits increase the risk of heart diseases.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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