Kanpur, January 14: In a heroic incident, an alert Railway Protection Force (RPF) Constable S.R. Godara saved a female passenger’s life at Kanpur Central Station. The heroic act of the RPF constable was caught on the CCTV camera installed at the station and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that a woman slipped and fell off a moving train while getting down from the train. The RPF constable who was present at the spot reacted quickly and pulled the woman by holding her hand after she fell and saved her life.

Details About The Incident

The incident reportedly occurred on Monday (January 13) at around 9:30 AM on platform number 6 of Kanpur Central Station. The woman, a passenger on train number 12594 Garib Rath Express, fell between the train and the platform while trying to get off coach number G-9 quickly. The situation could have turned fatal, but Constable Godara acted swiftly and pulled her to safety.

Heroic Act Captured on CCTV

The entire rescue was recorded on CCTV cameras, showcasing the constable’s timely action and presence of mind.

Recognition for the RPF Jawan

Thanks to the alertness of Constable S.R. Godara, a major tragedy was averted. This incident highlights the importance of vigilance and quick thinking by railway personnel in ensuring passenger safety.

Passengers are reminded to exercise caution while boarding or alighting from moving trains to avoid such accidents.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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