Troubles have mounted for Haryana BJP State President Mohanlal Badoli as a rape case has been registered against him and singer Rocky Mittal in Himachal Pradesh. The FIR was filed at the Kasauli Police Station in Himachal Pradesh’s Solan district.
According to police, the complainant, a woman from Haryana, has alleged that both men sexually assaulted her approximately one and a half years ago under the pretext of helping her secure a government job. The woman further claims that they threatened to kill her and allegedly captured inappropriate videos and photographs of her.
In her complaint, the victim stated that about two months ago, the accused summoned her to Panchkula through intimidation, where they allegedly attempted to file false charges against her. “They tried to frame me,” she said.
Following the woman’s complaint at Kasauli Police Station, law enforcement has registered a case. Solan Superintendent of Police Gaurav Singh has confirmed the incident, stating that an investigation is currently underway and police are taking necessary action.
The case has drawn significant attention as it involves a high-ranking state BJP official and a well-known singer. Both accused have been booked under relevant sections of the law, and further investigations are in progress.