Today is the first Amritsnan of Mahakumbh 2025, which started in Prayagraj on Paush Purnima with bhajan-kirtan and chanting. On the occasion of Makar Sankranti, Naga Sadhus from different Akharas take a sacred bath at the Sangam, which is called ‘Amrit Snan’ (royal bath). This Mahakumbh is being organized after 12 years, although the saints claim that there is a very rare time for this event of 144 years, which was created during the churning of the ocean.
Mahakumbh started on 13 January
The Mahakumbh, which will be held after 12 years, started from 13th January and will continue till 26th February. More than 45 crore devotees are expected to participate in this religious and spiritual event lasting 45 days. According to the Union Ministry of Culture and Tourism, this time more than 15 lakh foreign devotees are expected to come to Mahakumbh.
By 8:30 am, more than 1 crore devotees had taken the nectar bath at the Sangam.
Uttar Pradesh DGP Prashant Kumar said that on the first Amrit Snan of Mahakumbh, saints of many Akharas took a dip in the Sangam at Brahma Muhurta at 4:35 in the morning. Niranjani Akhara, Atal Akhara, Mahanirvan Akhara and Anand Akhara took the holy bath. By 8 am, more than 1 crore devotees had taken a bath of faith at the Sangam and this number will keep increasing.
There was a several kilometer long line of Akharas for taking Amrit Snan in Maha Kumbh.
On the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, the first Amrit Snan of Mahakumbh 2025 started with the sadhus of various Akharas. From the morning of January 14, all the 13 Akharas were seen ready to go to the Sangam bank with their procession. Sadhus and saints riding on elephants, horses and camels carrying tridents, maces, spears and javelins were moving towards the Sangam bank with slogans of ‘Jai Shri Ram’, ‘Har Har Mahadev’ and there were queues of people. Kilometers were built. Lakhs of devotees gathered on both sides of the Akhara Road to have darshan of the saints, ascetics and Naga Sadhus.