If someone asks you how much time do you take out for yourself every day, what would be your answer? Most of the women are unable to find time to spend on themselves due to the burden of responsibilities. A recent study has revealed that Indian women, compared to men, spend 85 minutes less time for themselves every day. According to the study, Indian women spend more than 44 hours per week doing unpaid work, while men spend only five hours doing such work.
These figures show that Indian women neither have time for themselves nor do they think of doing so. When some women take some time out for themselves, they feel like they are being selfish. Often, people think of self-care as just going to the spa or on a vacation, when it really means taking care of your mental and physical health.
effect of neglecting oneself
Not taking care of yourself has a negative impact not only on the body but also on mental health. Constant work pressure can generate stress, which causes various diseases. Stress weakens the body’s immune system, which can lead to colds, depression, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and other health problems.
Small tips for self care
Self-care can recharge you and prevent fatigue. It doesn’t require expensive spas or vacations. Let us know how you can take small steps:
- Take time for yourself every day: Take some time every day to sit quietly and relax. This is not selfish, but necessary for your mental health.
- Talk to your loved ones: There must be people around you, talking to whom makes your mind feel lighter. Communicate with them regularly.
- Spend time with pets: Spending time with your pet not only increases physical activity, but it also helps reduce anxiety.
- Set your boundaries: Stop saying yes to everything. Learn to say no to things you are not interested in doing.
- Stay away from smartphones: Change your habit of being immersed in your smartphone screen. Relax your mind by regularly taking a break from social media, email, and news.
- Engage in relaxing activities: Participate regularly in an activity you enjoy. This will reduce stress and you will move towards your betterment.
With these small steps, you can take care of your mental and physical health and make self-care a priority.