Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Police have invoked Section 111 of BNS (organised crime) against the six accused involved in the robbery with grain traders at Kolar Crossing on December 8. Police will identify the other members of the gang and scan their past criminal records.

The action has been taken after it came to fore that different members of the same gang were involved in loot at Shyamla Hills and Chhola Mandir area earlier.

As per reports, a grain trader Sahil, a resident of Chuna Bhatti, and his partner Rohit were returning after collecting cash from Jumerati bazaar on Wednesday when some people on bikes hit their scooty near Kolar Crossing. The duo fell from the scooty while the miscreants fled with their bag containing cash. Sahil claimed that Rs 15 lakh was looted from him.

Following investigations police teams arrested mastermind of the loot Deepak Patel (26) and his aides Santosh aka Lallan (20) both of Bhopal and Rishabh Thakur (22), Vipin Chauhan (22), Bhupendra Thakur (33) and Abhishek Chauhan (22) of Sehore district. Police investigated further after finding striking similarities in the modus operandi of the accused in two cases of loot with traders earlier.

It came to fore that the accused were aides of Raja Khatik, the mastermind of two robberies earlier. Khatik and his aides Hemant, Rehan, Awesh, Rishabh and Bittu had looted Rs 20 lakh cash from a Gujrat-based trader at Polytechnic Crossing under Shyamla Hills police station limits on November 11. Khatik was also involved in looting a trader in Chhola Mandir area earlier. In all the three cases of loot, the accused followed the traders from Jumerati Bazar and rammed their bike into their two wheelers. The accused then robbed them of their cash and fled.

Police Commissioner Harinarayanchari Mishra said after this connection came to fore, Section 111 for organised crime has been invoked in the case of loot at Chuna Bhatti. Now the other members of the gang of Deepak Patel will be identified and their past criminal records will be scanned. Further action will be taken against the gang members accordingly, the CP added.  

Traders was carrying unaccounted cash  

Police investigations now reveal that the accused have looted cash Rs 30 lakh from the grain trader Sahil. However, Sahil has claimed that the looters fled with cash Rs 15 lakh. Police officials said that Sahil was carrying unaccounted cash with him which may be related to ‘hawala’. The details have been forwarded to the Income-Tax department and further action in this connection will be initiated by I-T officials.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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