Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): A disturbing incident was reported in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur on Monday, when atleast 10 dogs and some birds got trapped in a house-fire and died.

The cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained. Though the owner of the house and pet lover Kajal Kundu claimed someone set her residence afire with an intention to kill her animals.

Additionally, household items in the house were completely destroyed.

Following a complaint, the Sanjeevani Nagar police have registered an FIR and started an investigation into the incident.

At the time of the incident, owner Kajal was not at the house. All the animals—dogs and birds, got trapped in the fire and died.

Neighbours immediately notified the fire brigade and police. The fire brigade reached the spot and controlled the fire, but by then, the dogs and birds had already died. Fire Brigade Superintendent Kushagra Thakur stated that initial investigations suggest the fire might have been caused by a short circuit.

However, Kajal Kundu claimed that the fire was set on purpose, accusing someone of killing her pets.

The police is also reviewing nearby CCTV footage. Neighbors mention that Kajal was very sensitive towards her animals and treated them like family.

After the incident, Kajal is scared and has decided to return to Kolkata. The tragedy has deeply affected animal lovers.

A local dog lover, Deepmala, said strict action should be taken to ensure justice. Neighbor Ashish Sinha added that Kajal always took care of her animals.

The police and fire brigade are working together to uncover the real cause of the fire.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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