Dhanashree Verma shared a photo with her mother: Famous choreographer and social media sensation Dhanashree Verma is currently in the news about her married life. There are continuous reports coming out that all is not well between Dhanashree and the cricket team’s star spinner Yuzvendra Chahal. Rumors of divorce between this couple are currently in full swing. It is being said in many reports that Dhanashree has been separated from her husband Yuzvendra Chahal for a long time.

Amidst the divorce debate, Dhanashree has shared a photo with her mother.

Now amid speculations about separation from husband Chahal, Dhanashree has shared a special post on her Instagram handle. Now this post is going viral on social media. In the new post, Dhanashree is seen with her mother. In the pictures, she is seen sleeping comfortably on her mother’s shoulder. Now amidst the discussion of divorce, the talk of their separation is gaining more importance than this post.

Fans became emotional

Seeing Dhanashree spending happy moments with her mother, the fans are also feeling very happy and they are getting emotional. But some people are confused and upset after seeing the post with Dhanashree’s mother. Commenting on the post, people are asking Dhanashree whether you left your husband and came to live with your parents? Many people are trolling Dhanashree on the news of her separation from Chahal. Talking about the relationship between Dhanashree and Chahal, both of them got married in the year 2020. Fans have always liked this pair very much. But the news of their separation after 4 years has shocked everyone.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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