On Sunday, January 12, 2025, from 11:52 pm, the ruling planet Mars has moved out of Pushya and transited into Punarvasu Nakshatra. Punarvasu is the seventh constellation of the sky, whose lord is Jupiter. Punarvasu Nakshatra is an auspicious fruitful Nakshatra, in which the transit of Mars is considered auspicious. Mars is the planet of energy, courage and action. This combination with the qualities of Punarvasu Nakshatra promotes positive and creative energy.


Astrological significance of Mars transit in Punarvasu Nakshatra

The transit of Mars in Punarvasu Nakshatra has special significance in astrology, because it is a confluence of the qualities of two major planets and constellations. Mars symbolizes energy, courage, confidence and action, while Punarvasu Nakshatra represents gentleness, upliftment, prosperity and balance. Jupiter, the lord of Punarvasu Nakshatra, is the lord and controller of knowledge, religion and prosperity.

This conjunction of Mars and Jupiter promotes self-confidence and positive energy.


This conjunction of Mars and Jupiter promotes self-confidence and positive energy. Due to the influence of Jupiter this period creates a keen interest in religion and spiritual matters. The energy of Mars helps in quick completion of religious tasks like yagya, puja, pilgrimage etc.

Effect of transit of Mars in Punarvasu Nakshatra

Mars is the factor of land and property. Matters related to land and property can be resolved by its transit in Punarvasu Nakshatra. This time is considered auspicious for buying or selling property. This transit can bring financial prosperity for people with zodiac sign 2. Especially in sectors related to agriculture, real estate and education, the possibility of profit is high.


The transit of Mars in Punarvasu Nakshatra is an indicator of increase in wealth for people of Aries zodiac sign. The transit of Mars in this Nakshatra will have a positive impact on your wealth and prosperity. There is a possibility of getting the stuck money back and new sources of income may emerge. You will get special benefits from investing in property. There will be a positive impact in work and business. There will be a new opportunity in business. Those working in partnership may get a big project.


For Leo, Mars is bringing the possibility of financial gains and prosperity. There will be a positive impact on plans and goals. Future plans will come true. Confidence to set big goals and achieve them will increase. There will be a positive impact on job, promotion or new job opportunities. Will get support from higher officials. Your abilities will be recognized at the workplace. Salary may increase.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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