Mahakumbh 2025 has started on the auspicious occasion of Paush Purnima. Crores of devotees expressed their faith by taking a dip on the Sangam bank of Prayagraj. A large number of foreign tourists also joined these devotees. Despite the biting cold, these devotees, while taking bath at Triveni Sangam, described it as a unique experience of faith and devotion.

Possibility of 45 crore devotees

This year, 45 crore devotees are expected to attend the Mahakumbh, which is organized every 12 years. This huge celebration of faith on the banks of Sangam is a symbol of India’s spirituality and eternal culture throughout the world.

Foreign devotees shared their experiences

Francisco of Brazil:

Francisco from Brazil, who came to Mahakumbh for the first time, said:

“Coming here is a unique experience for me. India is the spiritual heart of the world. I practice yoga regularly and have come here in search of salvation.”

Devotees from Spain:

A Spanish devotee described his experience as a blessing.

“We have people from Spain, Brazil and Portugal in our group. It is completely a spiritual journey, and getting the opportunity to take a bath in the Maha Kumbh is the greatest privilege of life.”

unbroken relationship with India

Jitesh Prabhakar (Germany):

Jitesh Prabhakar, originally from Mysore, now a citizen of Germany, arrived at the Mahakumbh with his wife Saskia Knauf and son Aditya.

  • Jitesh said:

    “Whether I live in India or abroad, my connection with India will always remain. I practice yoga daily and every person should stay connected to his roots.”

  • Jitesh’s wife Saskia said:

    “I feel very excited and blessed to be here.”

South African pilgrims:

A devotee from Cape Town described the atmosphere of Mahakumbh as spiritual and full of positive energy.

  • He said:

    “The streets here are clean, the people are cheerful and friendly. I consider myself lucky to be on the banks of Ganga.”

  • Nikki (South Africa):

    “This experience gives me strength. I feel fortunate and blessed to have come to the banks of Ganga.”

First Amrit Snan: Makar Sankranti

The first auspicious bath (Amrit Snan) of Maha Kumbh will take place on 14 January on the occasion of Makar Sankranti.

  • All the Akharas will complete their ritualistic baths in the prescribed order.
  • Earlier, lakhs of devotees had taken a dip at the Sangam on Saturday and Sunday.

Confluence of spirituality and devotion

Mahakumbh 2025 is a symbol of spirituality and cultural heritage not only for India, but for the entire world. The devotees coming here consider it a unique experience by participating in this festival of world brotherhood, faith and peace.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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