Telugu filmmaker Trinadha Rao Nakkina is being criticised for commenting on actress Anshu’s ‘size’ at an event in Hyderabad on Sunday (January 12). The filmmaker attended the teaser launch event of his upcoming film Mazaka, which marks the comeback of Anshu. Several pictures and videos from the event are doing the rounds on social media in which the director is seen making a derogatory remark, leaving the actress embarrassed.

In the now-viral videos, Trinadha is heard praising Anshu on stage. Sharing his excitement about working with her in Mazaka, the director said, “How does this girl look like this, I used to wonder. If you don’t know what she looked like, watch the movie (Manmadhudu, Anshu’s 2002 film with Nagarjuna).”

According to reports, he also said that he watched Manmadhudu several times just for Anshu.

Trinadha went on to say, “Does she still look like that? She’s thinner now, I asked her to eat and put on weight because it’s not enough for Telugu (cinema), size needs to be bigger. She has improved now. She will improve further.”

Soon after the video surfaced, netizens lashed out at the filmmaker for his ‘indecent’ and ‘derogatory’ remark. A user wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter), “Terrible, terrible comment by director Trinadha Rao about his heroine. The audacity to even say such things and get away.”

“Director Trinadha should be taken to task by NCW wing immediately. Malayali film actors, directors… Telugus are all of one clan and treat actresses as toys for playing and such directors film guys shd be put behind bars,” wrote another user.

Several users also pointed out that Anshu looked ‘uncomfortable’ after Trinadha’s comments.

“Worst statement & worst mindset 👎🏻👎🏻Sundeep Kishan (Mazaka actor) is clearly uncomfortable while he was talking,” a user wrote on X.

“This is not acceptable and very disrespectful. This should not be done on such stage,” another post read.

“Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their size or appearance. It’s essential to promote positivity and inclusivity in every industry,” wrote another user.

It may be mentioned that this isn’t the first instance of the director facing backlash. In early 2024, Trinadha had sparked controversy when he made actress Payal Radhakrishna uncomfortable at an event. Despite her clear non-verbal cues indicating she didn’t want to hug him, he persisted.

This did not go down well a section of social media users who had called him out for his behaviour.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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