After a long wait of 12 years, Mahakumbh 2025 has started. Crores of devotees are flocking to take a dip in the Sangam banks in this holy event which started from Monday in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. It is estimated that on the very first day, January 13, around 1 crore devotees will take bath. The security and arrangements for this historic fair have been made extremely strict and technologically advanced.

Hi-tech arrangements for security of grand event

Giving priority to security during Mahakumbh, modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) cameras and underwater drones are being used.

Key Features of Security:

  1. Deploying Policemen:
    • 40,000 policemen and cyber crime experts deployed.
    • Thousands of soldiers, including 71 inspectors, 234 sub-inspectors and 645 constables, are deployed in Prayagraj and its surrounding areas.
    • Armed police and paramilitary forces are keeping vigil at important places.
  2. AI and drone surveillance:
    • 2,700 AI cameras and 113 underwater drones are monitoring the fair.
    • These devices will help in crowd management and emergency situations.
  3. Security Checkpoints:
    • 102 checkpoints have been made on seven major roads.
    • Every person and vehicle is being thoroughly checked.
  4. Mock drill and deployment of special forces:
    • Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS), National Security Guard (NSG) and Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) conducted a mock drill of security preparedness.

Unprecedented expansion in the area and arrangements of the fair

This time the celebration of Mahakumbh is bigger and grander than before. Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh said that compared to the Kumbh held in 2019, the area, facilities and arrangements of the Mahakumbh of 2025 have been increased manifold.

Main characteristics:

  • Expansion of fair area:
    • In 2019, the fair was spread over 3,200 hectares, whereas this time it has been expanded to 4,000 hectares.
    • The fair area has been increased from 20 sectors to 25 sectors.
  • Increase in Length of Ghats:
    • In 2019, the length of the ghats was 8 kilometers, which has been increased to 12 kilometers this time.
  • Expansion of parking facilities:
    • In 2019, the parking area was 1,291 hectares, while now it has been expanded to 1,850 hectares.
  • Budget and Expenses:
    • Rs 3,500 crore was spent on the 2019 Kumbh, whereas this time the budget has doubled to Rs 7,000 crore.

Special arrangements for the convenience and safety of devotees

Major security routes:

Devotees from Gorakhpur, Maharajganj, Deoria, Kushinagar, Azamgarh and Ghazipur of Purvanchal are reaching Prayagraj via Jaunpur.

  • From Gaurabadshahpur to Mungra Badshahpur: Armed police and traffic police have been deployed on these routes.
  • All the routes leading to the fair have been made safe and accessible.

Use of modern technology:

  • Underwater drones and AI-equipped cameras are being used to monitor the fair.
  • The cameras will analyze the crowd in every sector and help in dealing with emergency situations.

Number of devotees and importance of the event

According to the Chief Secretary, 24 crore devotees had come to the 2019 Kumbh, whereas this time more than 35 crore devotees are expected to come.

  • This event is not only a symbol of religious faith but also an opportunity for the Uttar Pradesh government to showcase its systemic capabilities.

Mahakumbh 2025: Festival of public faith

Mahakumbh is not only a religious event but also a symbol of India’s cultural heritage and organizational capacity. The number of devotees, facilities and unique security arrangements are making it more grand and memorable than before.

“If you are going to Prayagraj on this auspicious occasion, exercise caution and follow the instructions given by the administration.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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