Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has divorced twice, but despite this he has very good relations with his ex-wives. In 2021, Aamir and Kiran Rao decided to separate after 15 years of marriage. However, this divorce could not destroy the respect and love between the two. Kiran Rao says that even today she considers Aamir’s family as her own and their relationship is based on friendship and mutual understanding.

Divorce: An easy and wise decision

Kiran Rao spoke openly about her and Aamir’s divorce in an interview.

  • He told that this decision was not easy, but it was taken with mutual consent and after careful consideration.
  • Kiran said,

    “We worked on our marriage for a long time. When we realized we couldn’t stay in the marriage, we didn’t rush to resolve it. We decided to patiently ‘untie’ the knot of the relationship and not ‘cut’ it.”

Depth of relationship beyond fights

Kiran told that there was never any major fight or bitterness between her and Aamir.

  • He said,

    “We had arguments, but they were like those with parents or a friend. These debates were never so serious that they could not be resolved.”

  • According to Kiran, there are disagreements and difficulties in every marriage, but these are part of the relationship.

relationship of love and friendship

Kiran described her relationship with Aamir as based on love and friendship.

  • He said,

    “Just because we don’t want to be in a marriage doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. We still have a deep bond between us.”

  • Kiran admitted that she and Aamir have cherished the moments they spent with each other forever.

family bond intact

Kiran also shared that despite the divorce, she considers Aamir and his family as her own.

  • He said,

    “Aamir’s mother is still my mother-in-law. His children Junaid and Aira are my friends and are very dear to me.”

  • Kiran also said that Aamir remains her friend, guide and support system.

example of maturity in love

Kiran has given a new definition to her and Aamir’s relationship. Despite divorce, they have kept their relationship based on friendship, love and mutual respect.

  • According to him,

    “In every relationship there are some things that can bother you. But there are also some reasons due to which you chose that person. This is the beauty of love and relationships.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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