Indian cricket team’s star player Virat Kohli and his wife, Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, recently visited Premanand Maharaj with their children Akay and Vamika. A video of this spiritual meeting has also gone viral, in which Anushka is seen asking questions to Maharaj.

Now a new video has surfaced in which tears can be seen in the eyes of Premanand Maharaj. According to reports, when Maharaj saw Vamika and Akay, he had tears in his eyes. Seeing the innocence of the children, Premanand Maharaj became so emotional that he started crying after seeing the faces of the children.

Maharaj blessed Vamika and Akay and wished them a bright future. He also performed special puja and said that these children are very fortunate and their future will be bright. Virat and Anushka described this experience as very emotional and memorable.

During this meeting, Virat and Anushka talked to the Maharaja and took blessings for the happiness and peace of the family. Both Anushka and Virat are religious and often visit spiritual places. This step of theirs has become a topic of discussion among the fans, where people are praising this family for their simplicity and faith. Pictures of both are going viral on social media, in which fans are praising their dedication towards traditions.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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