Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday night released the second list of its candidates for the Delhi Assembly elections, in which the names of a total of 29 candidates have been announced. This list also includes 5 women, one of whom has recently left Aam Aadmi Party and joined BJP. Earlier in the list, there were only two women candidates: Rekha Gupta and Kumari Rinku, who were given tickets from Shalimar Bagh and Seemapuri respectively.
5 women candidates included in the second list
- Matiya Mahal – Mrs. Deepti Indora
- Madipur (SC) – Mrs. Urmila Kailash Gangwal
- Tilak Nagar – Mrs. Shweta Saini
- Najafgarh – Mrs. Neelam Pahalwan
- Kondli (SC) – Mrs. Priyanka Gautam
So far, BJP has given tickets to 7 women out of a total of 58 candidates in both the lists.
Priyanka Gautam got the ticket
Priyanka Gautam, who recently joined BJP, has been given ticket from Kondli assembly seat reserved for Scheduled Caste. He left Aam Aadmi Party along with his supporters and joined BJP on 25 December. Priyanka said that she had decided to join AAP with new hopes, but felt the lack of respect for the Jatav community there. He accused Arvind Kejriwal of exploiting the Jatav community and followers of Bhim Rao Ambedkar only for political gains.
total number of candidates
BJP has so far announced the names of a total of 58 candidates including the first and second lists. The party has announced equally 29 names in both the lists. BJP has so far declared 58 names for the 70-member assembly, while names of candidates are still to be announced for 12 seats, which can be announced soon.