Famous TV actress Hina Khan had revealed on social media last year that she has breast cancer. In these difficult times, he always motivated his fans, but never showed himself weak. Recently, Hina told in an interview that the story of her life that has been shown to the people is only 5 percent. She promised that she would share her entire journey at the right time.
Told only a small part of your story
Hina said in an interview to Galata India, “My story has not even come out yet. I have just told a small story of my journey. I have many things to talk about, a lot of experiences to share. What I have shared on social media is only 5 percent. At the right time, I will reveal more.”
Source of strength: love and family
When Hina was asked how she got so much strength, she said, “I don’t know where the strength came from, but maybe it was through love that I got it. I did not behave like a patient throughout my journey. My mother depends on me, and when she found out about my cancer, she became quite ill herself. Many times I felt like crying, but I kept myself strong because of my mother.”
Hina also told that when she came out of the OT after the surgery, she met her family with a big smile. “She came with a big smile and shook everyone’s hands,” he said. The next day when everyone came to the ICU, they said that your smile had taken away all their worries.”
This journey of Hina Khan shows how even difficult times can be faced with positivity and love. His story is not only inspiring but also shows the importance of struggle and courage.