Recently, a picture of Indian cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In this picture, he is seen sitting with some friends, and a girl is also seen next to him. After this picture surfaced, rumors started spreading that Chahal and this girl are dating each other.

Mahwash has made his position clear regarding the rumors that are spreading about Chahal and Mahwash. At the same time, Chahal also expressed his views on the rumors of divorce with his wife and appealed to the people not to interfere in these personal matters. (Image source: Instagram)

RJ Mahvash seen in the picture, rumors of dating spread

In another picture, Yuzvendra Chahal was seen celebrating Christmas with RJ Mahwash. After this picture went viral, speculation started on social media that something special was going on between Chahal and Mahwash.

  • RJ Mahwash’s response:
    RJ Mahwash reacted strongly to these rumors and termed them completely baseless.

    • He said, “It is completely wrong to make speculations about dating someone just by looking at a picture.”
    • Expressing her views on Instagram, Mahwash wrote, “If you see someone with someone, it does not mean that they are dating each other. Will this question be asked now every time I see someone?”

Chahal broke his silence on these rumors and said that people should avoid speculating in these personal matters. He also said that it is wrong to say anything about something unless there is truth in it. (Image source: Instagram)

Mahwash clarified on false rumors

Mahwash said that she does not want to be a part of such false news.

  • He made it clear that such rumors can tarnish not only him but also his image.
  • Mahwash urged that people should not make any assumptions about him and Yuzvendra Chahal without knowing the truth.

RJ Mahwash: Who is this mystery girl?

  • RJ Mahwash is a well-known radio jockey of Delhi.
  • He is famous for his wonderful voice and entertaining style.
  • He also has a huge following on social media.
    • He has more than 1.4 million followers on Instagram.
    • She regularly shares pictures and posts with her fans.
  • His popularity and influence on social media is huge.

Rumors of divorce between Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma have also been going on for a long time. These rumors intensified when Chahal unfollowed his wife on Instagram and also deleted her pictures. (Image source: Instagram)

Rumors of divorce of Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma

Rumors of divorce between Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma have also been in discussion for a long time.

  • These rumors got further fueled when Chahal unfollowed Dhanashree on Instagram and also deleted her pictures.
  • Chahal broke his silence on these speculations and said:
    • “People should avoid unnecessary speculations in personal matters. Unless something is true, it is wrong to comment on it.”


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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